Thursday, March 30, 2006

WANTED: More Illustrations

Hi guys, I just wanted to drop a line and encourage everybody to post a little something that they've drawn, painted, sketched, doodled, or in some fashion drawn. I think it'll be more fun to have a blog with art. Rebecca's already started the trend, and I'll contribute a piece here. Please post something of your own.


I'm sure you guys remember what a failed attempt this first painting turned out to be (mine was, "You are What You Imagine"). Then I started over (from scratch, even) and came up with a bit of a stronger composition.

My daughter, Abbey still asks me where the dog is. I don't have a good answer, so I guess I'd better find a way to work him back into the painting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the new comp. For some reason the fact that he's got a liner to his helmet is a nice touch to. Maybe the dog can be fighting an alien or something....
Nice job, as usual, Ken

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your blog is awesome Ken, I love that you post so much art stuff. I need to work on that.

9:06 AM  
Blogger Ken Chandler said...

Hi guys!
I'm sorry that I haven't been back for a visit in a while, it's been a busy time, with the 6 month old baby, my brothers wedding, 2-weeks in Ohio seeing family, my own blog, plus submiting art to Toon Club, etc. I'll try to do better in the future. :)

Thanks David. I love your new avatar. Sweet!

Thanks Bec. It's not easy keeping up on it, but when I get some positive feedback, or a sincere critique (I don't get enough critiques) it's always a lift. You've got some nice work on your site too. I'd like to see what you've been doing for "Work". Can art ever really be considered work?

1:30 PM  

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